Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to my Journey to Health and Happiness!!

I have decided to blog about my journey that I am starting on August 1st 2011.  I am hoping that you will be willing to follow me along on my journey to health and happiness!! The reason behind this journey is because I have been sick off and on for over a year. It all started with a very bad Foggy feeling in my head all the time, headaches, severe fatigue, body aches, fevers, emotional roller coaster rides and a lack of motivation.  I went to my doctor and found out that I was deficient in Vitamin B. I now have monthly Vitamin B12 shots and I take a Vitamin B supplement daily.  We then were trying to figure out why my body doesn't absorb Vitamin B like it should.  I then was diagnosed with a Auto-Immune disease.  We still are not sure yet which one I have, as there are over 80 of them.  It is also very hard to diagnose as your body has flare ups and goes into remission so often, that some times you have to have the same tests repeated over to get accurate results.  I have also discovered for over 7 months now that I have a high blood pressure, nothing to be concerned about yet, because it's still on the low side, but I did have to start a blood pressure medicine to help lower it.  I had to stop taking the medicine because it made me ill.  I am not a medicine taker, you will learn this as you follow me on here.  I believe in modern medicine and will take it if I am sick with a cold.  But I am NOT a fan of taking something on a daily basis, other than birth control!! :)
I just feel that you can control so much of your health with your diet and exercise, so this is why I am starting P90x on Monday, August 1st!!! I am extremely excited for this!!! I am also doing Shakeology which is a meal replacement plan that provides your body with amazing antioxidants, vitamins and lots of other nutritional values.  It helps you lose weight and has shown to help many people with the same issues as mine.  I am really hoping that all of this works! I want to lead a more peaceful and healthy life. I want to be healthy, not only for my kids and my husband, but for myself.... As a mom we sometimes put our health to the way side.  I want to put mine first! I want to live for my kids and my husband and most importantly myself. I also want to live a healthy life!! Wow there is so much more I can talk about, but that will be for another day.... I will be posting before and after pictures along the way, so make sure to comment on my results! I can use all the support I can get.... Here's to Health and Happiness!!!


  1. Congratulations on starting your blog! That's terrible that you're having all these problems, but great that you are taking charge to get control over them!! Good luck!!

  2. I'm so excited. You know I'll be following this blog!
