Thursday, August 4, 2011

Path to Happiness!

On Thursday July 28th-July31st, I had the opportunity to be apart of something amazing.  I was invited to go to Crossroad's Great Banquet #34 Table of Deborah.  It allowed me to find a closer relationship to Jesus and to find out who I really am as a person.  I have been lost for a while in this world and very alone.  I don't feel that way anymore.  This opportunity allowed for me to unplug from the world compeletly.  Really!! no phones, TV, internet, clocks.  I had my every need meet my an incredible church community.  I was allowed to focus and talk about all of the problems in my life.  I got the chance, to meet some incredible powerful women.  The women at my table couldn't have been a better fit for me, god sure knew who he was putting together when he chose the table of Deborah.  I have made some amazing friends through this whole process and was allowed the opportunity to go through this with my best friend Brooke.  It has only made our relationship stronger.  I can only hope that this new found peace and happiness continues.  I have started reading a daily study bible for women and a really good book called Crazy love.  We are planning to start attending church this sunday.  All of this has allowed for me to stop worrying about my health and focus on making my health better.  Here's to tomorrow......